This is from Clayzedover, who attended the Regis and Kelly Show. I was there also, and I regret that we didn't get to meet her that day.
I attended the Clay/Kelly show today with my brother who uses a motorized wheelchair, and wish I could tell you more about what went on. They sat him in a corner of the studio in front of the regular seats, and next to a corridor where people congregated and communicated during the show. We were surrounded by camera and craft persons. The large floor camera in front of us, hand held cameras to the side of us, technicians laying and removing cables, as well as by various office-types associated with the show.
All of this was compounded by the need to place stage props, like the high desk, in front of us as well to accommodate the dancers. Am not complaining here, really, just want to give you a "feel" for the atmosphere inside the TV studio. Tickets are free, we got in, and life is good.
I do want people to know about what I witnessed. Clay passed by my brother as he entered that corridor to talk with someone, and again as he came back to the stage. He had to wait for a cue from the director during the dance routines. Not making any kind of deal about it, he quickly knelt down on one knee, waiting for his cue. The first time, I thought it strange because nobody else took that position. They just stood and congregated behind him in front of us, blocking the view. A few minutes later, it happened again. But the second time, others took his lead and knelt down so those behind them could see.
Editing to add this disclaimer from Clayzedover:
I want to clarify that it was a zoo in the studio that day. The crew was only doing their job; they accommodated us as best they could, placing him in what is apparently the designated wheelchair area. That day, there was only so much space to work with, especially because of the dancers. It was the outsiders that seemed to disregard the person in the wheelchair, but it was Clay who took the initiative, kneeling next to the floor camera so that the person could see. It was a simple act by a very compex man who teaches respect by quiet example.

I'll take Clay Aiken's brand of respect over yours any day of the week.
Oh, and you're still not off the hook. Hypocrite.

If you'd rather have Simon Cowell's hand over your mouth than Clay Aiken's hand, I question your sanity. Oh, wait...I already do.

Let's see where Clay's hands have been, Ms. Ripa
This blog is soley the OPINION of the writer.
Related Tags: Clay Aiken, Kelly Ripa, Regis and Kelly
Great Blog!
I love Clay Aiken!
Oh, yes. This was fantastic. A lot has been said about this appearance, and a lot that shouldn't have been said, especially by the Ripacrite. But this is a story that needs to be heard by as many people as possible, because it's a clear indication of kind of man Clay really is. And it pretty much reveals just what the R&K show is, too. So glad you put this out there for everyone to see. They should.
Hypocritemuch, I deleted the link to your blog because there are underage readers here and some of the pictures on your blog are not family-friendly. Just keeping us all honest.
Ah....a beautiful story. So much so that I linked to you.
Just want to say that this is a terrific story, that really shows Clay's goodness. For Kelly to say that he was "rude" and never thanked her is outrageous. He was clearly being playful with her throughout the show, parrying back at her less-than-respectful treatment of him!
Oh, and that montage is absolutely fabulous! Almost brought a tear to my eye. ;)
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